Human waste management is a global issue, impacting both rural and urban areas alike.
Humans have long relied on septic tanks for waste disposal. Unfortunately, these facilities can be unhygienic and lead to groundwater contamination.
ABGurekha is revolutionizing waste management by installing bio-septic tanks that use bacteria to break down organic waste on-site. These bacteria reduce sewage to water and carbon dioxide, which can then be recycled for gardening or other uses.
These systems are environmentally friendly and cost-effective to install, making them an ideal solution for the environment. Furthermore, they eliminate odors and the need for chemical disposal.
Waste water from toilets, kitchens, bathrooms and laundry drains enters a tank where it settles down. Afterward, it overflows into an aeration chamber where air is diffused into two chambers to grow aerobic bacteria that break down sewage into water and carbon dioxide for a smell-free environment.
After this, a small amount of chlorine is added to the effluent in order to kill any remaining pathogens that might have survived after aeration.
As a result, the water that emerges from the tank is free from odors and can be used for gardening or other tasks. Furthermore, creating an odour-free environment helps to eliminate flies and other insects that would otherwise breed in septic areas.
These systems can be installed in any property, both residential and commercial. They come in various sizes depending on how many users will be using the system continuously.
The smaller size is ideal for homes and smaller commercial establishments such as shops or offices. On the other hand, larger bio-septic tanks can accommodate estates, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals and other large facilities with regular users.
This system is much cheaper to install than traditional septic tanks and can be used in areas with limited space. Excavation for this type of system is much simpler than with regular septic tanks.
ABGurekha’s bio-septic tanks are an ideal choice for anyone looking to minimize their environmental impact and save money on utilities. Not only are these tanks durable and easy to maintain, but they are also an excellent choice.
These septic tanks can be installed in any residential, office, or commercial building and come highly recommended by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Not only are they odourless, require no upkeep, and offer exceptional environmental safety, they’re also easy to transport for convenience.
Reduces Odours
Bio Septic Tank are an efficient solution for treating waste water from toilets and kitchens. They use naturally occurring bacteria to break down waste into odorless water that can be reused for gardening.
These tanks are incredibly efficient and require minimal upkeep, making them incredibly affordable to purchase. You can have them installed right after moving into your home, strong enough to store lots of wastewater without needing the assistance of a plumber to fill them.
These tanks are also incredibly user-friendly; all you have to do is connect the drains and turn on the faucet in order to start using it.
The system works by eliminating any bacteria responsible for foul odours before they can clog drains and cause backups. This reduces the need for chemical disposal, helping you save money in the long run.
Additionally, water treatment helps prevent water contamination that could lead to diseases like cholera or malaria. Preventing these infections is essential for protecting the environment and creating a healthy society.
When wastewater enters a bio septic tank, it’s divided into multiple chambers for different levels of waste treatment.
Each chamber utilizes a specific type of bacteria to break down waste and separate liquid from solid. Once the sludge has settled, it’s pumped out of the tank.
These tanks contain aeration chambers, which allow air to diffuse into them. This oxygen encourages aerobic bacteria to grow and break down sewage into water and carbon dioxide.
This process typically takes a few weeks to complete. After the wastewater has been treated, it’s pumped out of the bio-tank and made safe for your garden.
They’re an efficient way to recycle waste and save money on electricity and water bills. Additionally, they can be utilized for treating sewage at schools, hotels, hospitals and other large establishments.
For over four decades, ABGurekha has been leading the waste management revolution and their products have proven both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. They can be customized to fit any size requirement.
Easy to Use
There are a number of reasons why people opt for bio septic tanks. They provide an environmentally friendly way to treat wastewater and offer cost-effective waste management solutions.
Bio septic tanks contain anaerobic bacteria that breakdown organic matter, including sewage, without oxygen. These microbes transform waste into methane, carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.
The bacteria within the tank can also break down pathogens that may be present in the water, such as cholera and malaria. This is essential because these pathogens can cause disease in humans.
Furthermore, bacteria in a bio septic tank can help break down fats and oils that form as byproducts of degradation. This reduces odors from the tank and makes it simpler to maintain its environment.
These systems are an excellent way to recycle water for gardens and irrigation. Not only will this save you money on bills, but it will also improve the quality of your garden.
ABGurekha offers a wide range of products, including non-filling bio septic tanks. These tanks are easy to install and can be tailored according to your individual requirements.
The ABGurekha bio septic tank is an innovative product that allows users to dispose of their human waste more environmentally friendly. These systems are cost-effective and user friendly, which has made them increasingly popular over time.
When selecting a septic tank provider, you’ll want one with an excellent reputation for cleaning up sludge and eliminating unpleasant odours. Companies that have been established for some time will have the expertise needed to handle your needs promptly and efficiently.
When selecting a septic tank, another important factor to consider is whether the company offers maintenance-free systems. These types of systems tend to last longer than traditional ones, so you’ll end up saving money in the long run.
Bio septic tanks for waste management offer an eco-friendly solution that saves water and reduces pollution. This system utilizes nature’s process of decomposition to completely break down human waste into usable water and gases.
Contrary to conventional septic tanks, which must be drained after some time has elapsed, an on-site sewage treatment system does not need draining. This makes it a cost-effective option since construction costs are lower than for traditional sewer systems.
Another major advantage of a bio septic tank is that it produces no smell whatsoever, which is essential for the health and safety of those using the facility. Furthermore, this prevents toxic pollutants from entering into the environment.
Decomposition also helps reduce odours caused by bacteria and other waste materials in the tank, creating a cleaner, healthier facility while eliminating the need for using septic tank cleaning products.
Additionally, the odorless water generated by a bio septic tank can be used for gardening or irrigating plants in your yard. It’s even safe enough to flush toilets – all while benefiting the environment.
In addition to these advantages, a bio septic tank is also easy to install. This makes it an ideal option for homes and businesses of all sizes since installation can be done quickly and efficiently.
It’s also an effective way to reduce the amount of maintenance required on your property, and more cost-effective than traditional septic tanks. That means you’ll save money on pumping costs for septic tanks, as well as energy expenses.
One major benefit of a non filling bio septic tank is its capacity for installation in areas where digging traditional septic systems isn’t an option, such as areas with lots of rocks, sand or loose soil.
These septic tanks have been designed with a compact footprint in mind, allowing them to be installed in smaller areas than their traditional counterparts. This makes them particularly beneficial if you live in an area with limited space such as apartment buildings or small houses.